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Secret Strategies & Highly effective, Transformational – You Wealth Revolution

Secret Strategies & Highly effective, Transformational – You Wealth Revolution


Vitality-Portals of the Egyptian Sephiroth

Tree-of-Life Illustration

The secrets and techniques of the sacred Tree-of-Life within the Kabbalah custom originate deep inside the Historic Egyptian Temple Traditions. Each traditions regard every circle within the Tree-of-Life Blueprint (see the above determine), known as a Sephiroth, as a portal of greater dimensional power. There are ten portals within the Tree-of-Life diagram. Legends inform that God, or All That Is, descended into matter to expertise life on the human stage. Starting on the highest circle (above) we start with the essence of God. As we transfer down the diagram, we successively step down and compartmentalize energies, every step down turning into a denser- a progressively smaller – extra restricted – pocket of power.

“As above, so beneath”. People expertise a weak shadow of this divine power. The everyday expertise – as a human being – displays these pockets of power and consciousness.  We expertise comparable energies as within the Greater Dimensions, however in a much less highly effective type. The energies in duality are malleable (usually damaging) … and denser, slower variations of the Holographic, Greater Dimensional Energies.

The highly effective pharaohs of Egypt believed that their Gods guarded these Gateways of Highly effective Uplifting Energies: the Sephiroth. These Excessive Vitality Streams have been locked from human beings. The keys to those vital gateways have been preserved and guarded. They have been hidden, in plain sight, carved – time and time once more – in indelible stone!  “A breadcrumb path” was left behind, to assist us discover our manner dwelling – to all consciousness and consciousness – with plentiful streams of highly effective related energies! Throughout Mattson’s interview with Darius at You Wealth Revolution, expertise the Sephiroth Sound Attunements! Unlock the gates to those Greater Dimensional Energies!

The Greater Beings that created these “locks” have been thinner in substance, faster (consider an elf or faery) than people are. How would “Greater Advanced Beings” preserve refined and quantum energies blocked? Sound, colours, lights and shapes would tangle energies – creating big, unattainable knots in infinitesimal strings – locks. On this interview with Darius at You Wealth Revolution, and Jill Mattson on April 2 at 4:00 EST, expertise the Sephiroth Sound Attunements that unlock the blockages of the Greater Energies contained inside the historic Sepiroth!

Sound Codes – the Sephiroth Attunements

Inside every Sephiroth are historic Hebrew letters, that are vibrational codes, dictating frequencies, harmonics, and phrase spelling. Like many historic texts, the Sephiroth was sung for straightforward memorization and to extend the ability of the message. Many symbols, numbers, letters, dots and dashes inside historic languages had musical, numerical and mystical meanings.

Most non secular traditions affiliate creation with sound and the spoken phrase. Historic languages have been thought-about an precise part of “All That Is” or God’s energies, not symbolic communication. Recall Cymatics, by which one can see the sacred sound of OM create the form in free sand used to indicate OM within the historic Hindu custom. Correlating sounds, shapes and objects have been totally different octaves of the identical power. The Sephiroth are depicted with the letters of the traditional Hebrew languages and are thumbprints of the particular Greater Divine Energies.

The Sephiroth have been additionally mirrored by numerical power: every is numbered 1 to 10. Pythagoras stated, “All is Quantity!” Simply what does that imply? Every little thing is power. Vitality vibrates. Pulsations of energies will be counted and are known as frequencies. Fashionable physicists’ String Concept relies merely on totally different vibrations of an infinitesimal string. Due to this fact, “all is quantity,” expressed as vibrating strings (or frequencies), create our world. The Sephiroth are numbered from 1 to 10, and are thought-about archetypical energies; each is an expertise or consciousness identified to all of humanity.

Some descriptions of those Excessive and Highly effective incantations of archetypical energies have been handed down all through the ages.

  1. Keter Sepiroth – Knowledge, Male, Will, Selflessness
  2. Hekhmah Sepiroth – Intelligence, Male Will, Selflessness
  3. Binah Sepiroth – Knowledge, Understanding, Feminine, Feelings, Steady, Organizes, Mind, Reasoning
  4. Chesed Sepiroth – Mercy, Kindness, Loving Grace, What’s the Da’at?
  5. Gevurah Sepiroth – Justice, Severity, Energy, Judgement, Intention, Awe of God, Energy Braveness
  6. Teferet Sepiroth – Magnificence, Symmetry, Steadiness, Balances Hesod and Gevurah, Compassion, Sacrifice, Sincerity, Being True to your self, Coordinates, Concord, Equilibrium
  7. Netzach Sepiroth – Magnificence, Symmetry, Steadiness, Balances Hesod and Gevurah, Compassion, Sacrifice, Sincerity, Being True to your self, Coordinates, Concord, Equilibrium 
  8. Hod Sepiroth – Splendor, Give up, Sincerity, Controls Sensible & Emotional with Psychological Powers, versatile Mind, Steadiness Ideas & Emotions
  9. Yesod Sepiroth – Basis, Center of the Highway, Accomplish, Coherent Data
  10. Malkut Sephiroth – Kingdom, the bodily expression of the Divine, Self-Expression, the Bride (and the groom is Keter), Bodily World, Feminine 

The Sephiroth Energies are the Blueprint of Divine Energies! What are blueprints of energies? Consider E=mC2. A easy components underlies the essential common energies. How about our DNA? Life’s secret code in a helix blueprint containing all our bodily physique’ plans. Equally, every Sephiroth has its power, which we expertise in a dense and fewer highly effective type. But, after we take a look at the symbols of the Sephiroth, we sync with the power model of the Excessive Dimensional Highly effective Sephiroth. It’s highly effective & divine medication!

In historic traditions, the Excessive Highly effective God Energies contained within the Sephiroth, have been set aside in order that humanity may expertise density, duality, and life as a human. Nonetheless, people all the time lengthy for the divine and candy remembrance of upper energies. Historic disciples would give attention to and stare at every Sephiroth image (see every image of Sephiroth) to expertise resonance with the Greater highly effective streams of remodeling energies.

Changing the Sephiroth’s shapes to frequencies and harmonic patterns was one of many deepest historic secrets and techniques, however now these strategies are returned to us – as we journey again to the divine. You’ll be able to take heed to the rigorously crafted sounds designed to unlock the Excessive Dimensional Energies hiding behind every Sephiroth. Obtain a strong dosage with every hear and visible meditation. Sound, being essentially the most highly effective refined power dosage potential, allows us to propel our energies into highly effective realms, rapidly.

Listening to those sound codes prompts greater dormant energies inside. The tonal patterns are generally known as the Resurrection Frequencies, or the Sephiroth Attunements.

Concerning the Writer

Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician, and Writer. Jill is a widely known knowledgeable and composer within the area of Sound Therapeutic! She has additionally produced fifteen musical CDs with intriguing, magical tracks utilizing historic & fashionable strategies, & particular therapeutic frequencies to attain profound advantages. Jill is a five-time writer. For her books and musical collections, Jill has obtained many awards, together with Finest Music and E-book of the 12 months, plus seven Gold Awards and three Silver Awards from the New Age Commerce Affiliation, COVR. Jill was featured at tons of of teleseminars and on over a thousand radio exhibits and magazines, together with covers! She presents an internet Sound Therapeutic Faculty Free music & Faculty of Sound Therapeutic at www.jillswingsoflight.com.

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